Thames Water tiene solo dos ofertas de rescate con una aniversario margen de haber a horas de distancia

(Bloomberg) – Hoy marca la aniversario margen para que los inversores presenten ofertas de rescate para el agua del Támesis, pero la incertidumbre sobre la reestructuración de emergencia de la compañía está eclipsando el proceso de aumento de haber. La mayoría lee de Bloomberg A finales de la semana pasada, solo Castle Water Ltd. y … Read more

El Área de Sanidad emite una infracción contra Hawaii American Water por desperdicios excesivo de residuos

HONOLULU (KHON2) — El Área de Sanidad de Hawái emitió un Aviso de infracción y orden a Hawaii American Water por descargar desechos líquidos más allá de la cantidad permitido de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales del Este de Honolulu al Océano Pacífico. Reciba las últimas noticiero matutinas de Hawái en su bandeja … Read more

Man survives horrific month-long experience in US park thanks to mushroom, berries and water

A man ate a mushroom, berries and water to survive getting lost for more than a month in a national park in Washington state, he said in an interview about his near-deadly experience. In a compelling conversation with Published over the weekend, Robert Schock recounted how he “really felt… close to death” – and … Read more

These best-selling reusable makeup remover pads only require water

Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships. We receive compensation when you click on a link and make a purchase. Learn more! The only hard part about putting on makeup is having to take it off. Especially when it's late and the only thing you feel like doing is jumping into bed, removing your makeup can seem … Read more

Water companies are 'laying the groundwork' to appeal against Ofwat's bill cap increase, says Moody's

Water companies are “laying the groundwork” to appeal Ofwat's decision to limit how much customers' bills can rise, according to a major credit rating agency. Moody's said in a report on the water industry that it expected companies to take the water regulator's final decision on bill increases to the competition watchdog for reconsideration if … Read more