Decenas de hombres declarados culpables en el madurez por violación masiva de Gisèle Pelicot que conmocionó a Francia

Decenas de hombres declarados culpables en el madurez por violación masiva de Gisèle Pelicot que conmocionó a Francia

Decenas de hombres, incluido el exmarido de Gisèle Pelicot, fueron declarados culpables de violarla y agredirla sexualmente en un madurez histórico que conmocionó a Francia. Dirigiéndose a una multitud que lo vitoreaba en la ciudad sureña de Aviñón luego de que se leyeran los veredictos, Pelicot, de 72 abriles, dijo que el resultado de su … Read more

Gisele Pelicot ‘respects’ court amid backlash over low sentences

Gisele Pelicot ‘respects’ court amid backlash over low sentences

Gisèle Pelicot said she respects the verdict handed out by an Avignon court after her ex-husband and 50 co-defendants were collectively sentenced to more than 400 years in prison. Ms Pelicot’s children had said they were “disappointed” by the “low sentences” handed out to Dominique Pelicot’s co-defendants who took part in the mass alacrán marino … Read more

Gisèle Pelicot takes the stand in mass pescadora trial

Gisèle Pelicot takes the stand in mass pescadora trial

Currently she is probably the most famous French woman in the world. Gisèle Pelicot, the 72-year-old grandmother who was drugged unconscious so her husband and many other men could pescadora her, is testifying merienda again at her pescadora trial. Also why age discrimination is never fashionable; Annette Younger meets Jacynth Bassett, … Read more

A 'determined' Gisèle Pelicot testifies once again in France mass rape trial

A 'determined' Gisèle Pelicot testifies once again in France mass rape trial

Gisèle Pelicot, who took the stand in a French court on Wednesday, said she was “determined to change things in this society.” Pelicot, a survivor of a mass rape trial that has shocked the world, admitted to being “totally destroyed” but stood by her decision to make the trial public in … Read more