UC Santa Barbara Tops Cal State Northridge 78-72 en cuartos de final del torneo de la Conferencia Big West

UC Santa Barbara Tops Cal State Northridge 78-72 en cuartos de final del torneo de la Conferencia Big West

HENDERSON, Nev. (AP)-Stephan D. Swenson anotó 25 puntos para soportar a UC Santa Bárbara a una trofeo de 78-72 sobre Cal State Northridge en un cuarto de final del torneo de la Conferencia Big West el jueves por la tenebrosidad. Los Gauchos de botellín sembrado (21-12) avanzan para desafiar el sembrado No. 1 UC San … Read more

La suerte de Shark Tank, Barbara Corcoran, los 5 consejos para comprar una casa

El mercado inmobiliario sigue siendo desafiante para compradores potenciales, con la tasa hipotecaria fija a 30 abriles que rondaba entre 6% y 7% durante más de dos abriles, según la empresa patrocinada por el gobierno Freddie Mac. Los altos precios y el inventario menguado continúan dificultando la búsqueda de un hogar. El fundador y tiburón … Read more

Barbara Palvin praised for silencing 'crazy' questions about her diet

Barbara Palvin praised for silencing 'crazy' questions about her diet

Barbara Palvin has been praised by fans for how she handled a question about her diet backstage at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on Tuesday. The Hungarian model, 31, was interviewed by Leisure Tonight as she prepared for the runway show, which saw stars like Gigi Hadid, Kate Moss and Ashley Graham flaunt their figures … Read more

Dylan Sprouse Supports Barbara Palvin at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Dylan Sprouse Supports Barbara Palvin at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Dylan Sprouse and Barbara Palvin They've been going strong since June 2018, but their love story started with some doubts. “I knew I didn't have a good mindset at the time, and maybe deep down I knew it could be something else,” Palvin said. W Magazine during a joint interview with Sprouse in February 2019, … Read more