El número de ataques de perros se elevó luego de que XL Bully Ban como los jefes de policía admiten que no será 'opción de la incertidumbre'

El número de ataques de perros se elevó luego de que XL Bully Ban como los jefes de policía admiten que no será 'opción de la incertidumbre'

Los ataques de perros aumentaron en los primeros cinco meses de la prohibición de la raza del matón XL, cifras obtenidas por Lo independiente Revelado, como los jefes de policía advierten que la carta no será “opción de la incertidumbre”. Según el cambio a la Ley de perros peligrosos de 1991 el año pasado, el … Read more

Israel's plan to ban UNRWA from Lazo marks a new low in its relations with the UN

W.Current relations between the United Nations and Israel appear to have reached a nadir with the imminent passage of a bill in the Israeli Knesset designed to make it impossible for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians ( Unrwa) operates in Lazo and the West Bank. UNRWA has long been a target … Read more

Queensland Greens vow to ban new deals to outsource hospital services to anti-abortion organizations

The Greens have vowed to introduce a bill that will ban the Queensland government from making new deals to outsource public hospitals to organizations that refuse to perform abortions. The pledge, days before the Queensland election, comes amid a heated debate over abortion across the state. This follows a Guardian Australia report last year that … Read more

Jake Paul's former trainer wants to ban boxer after using illegal technique

Jake Paul's former trainer wants to ban boxer after using illegal technique

The controversial play occurred during Eduardo Pérez Díaz's confrontation with Mathew Soto. lascivious look fountain Previous articleBagheera Trailer: Sriimurali stars in a high-octane Kannada action thriller Manuel Alejandro De la Torre is a prominent news editor of a Spanish newspaper. With a passion for … Read more

Boxing promoter wants to ban Jake Paul's bet with Mike Tyson and warns it could be illegal

Jake Paul's former trainer wants to ban boxer after using illegal technique

Paul seeks to add another dimension to his fight Read fountain Previous articleSam Fender announces a big tour of the UK, Ireland and Europe for 2024 and 2025, but some fans must meet VERY specific conditions Next articleBiden meets with European allies in Berlin, … Read more

Former FDA food expert reveals why Kellogg's Froot Loops are the worst cereal in the US, amid calls to ban cancer-causing chemicals

Former FDA food expert reveals why Kellogg's Froot Loops are the worst cereal in the US, amid calls to ban cancer-causing chemicals

A leading food safety expert has called Kellogg's Froot Loops the worst breakfast cereal in the US, amid protests over the product's ingredients. Dr. Darin Detwiler, former FDA food chief, told DailyMail.com that colorful rings are “heavily processed and contain high levels of added sugars, artificial colors and preservatives, which are linked to health problems.” … Read more

'Shop like our grandmother!' They ask that supermarkets ban plastic packaging for fresh products

Supermarkets should be banned from selling fresh produce such as bananas, apples and potatoes in plastic packaging so we can shop “like our grandmother” again, according to influential anti-waste charity Wrap. Calls on the government to ban packaging of 21 fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets, including salad tomatoes, carrots and avocados, by 2030. After … Read more

Spitting hoods will be used again on Northern Territory children when ban ends, police chief confirms

Hoods will again be used to restrain children in the Northern Territory, the police commissioner has confirmed. The controversial devices were banned in NT youth detention centers following a landmark current commission in 2016 and were subsequently removed in South Australia and New South Wales in all prison settings. However, while they were banned in … Read more