Agencia rescatado de la NFL: Fantasy Football Fallout and Analysis

Agencia rescatado de la NFL: Fantasy Football Fallout and Analysis

Manténgalo bloqueado aquí mientras el analista de fútbol de ilusión Matt Harmon desglosa todos los tratos importantes relevantes para la ilusión en la agencia rescatado. Caras viejas en lugares nuevos (o los mismos) Aaron Jones Sr. volverá a firmar con los Minnesota Vikings en un pacto de 2 primaveras y $ 20 millones Aaron Jones … Read more

A quarter of investment in UK summit came before Labor victory, analysis suggests

Around a quarter of the investment announced by the government at its summit this week appears to have been secured or started before Labor came to power. Ministers touted a £63bn investment at Monday's summit, where they welcomed hundreds of business bosses in a showcase of the UK's pro-growth policies. Jonathan Reynolds, the business secretary, … Read more