Talk to your plants? Now the first AI-powered garden will allow them to respond

Talk to your plants? Now the first AI-powered garden will allow them to respond

Hardcore gardeners sometimes, when no one else is listening, talk quietly to their precious flowers. But at next year's Chelsea Flower Show, visitors will be encouraged to chat with its first AI-powered garden. Garden designer Tom Massey has teamed up with Microsoft to create the Avanade “smart” garden. Sensors in the ground are paired with … Read more

Runway Act-One with AI-powered facial expression capture capability added to Alpha Gen-3 model

Talk to your plants? Now the first AI-powered garden will allow them to respond

Runway AI, an artificial intelligence (AI) company that focuses on video generation models, announced a new feature on Tuesday. Dubbed Act-One, the new capability is available within the company's latest Gen-3 Alpha large language model (LLM) and is said to accurately capture facial expressions from a source video and then play them back on a … Read more