Qualcomm is expected to announce the Snapdragon 8 Elite, which was previously expected to debut as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, next week, and performance details of the upcoming chipset have now leaked online. According to a comparative result for the alleged Realme GT 7 Professional, the Snapdragon 8 Elite could offer a massive increase in performance compared to its predecessor and surpass both MediaTek's recently launched Dimensity 9400 SoC and Apple's A18 Professional chip that powers the iPhone 16 Professional Max. .
Snapdragon 8 Elite AnTuTu benchmark leaked
Tipster Steve Hemmerstoffer (@OnLeaks) in collaboration with Smartprix leaked an image showing the alleged Realme GT 7 Professional that is expected to launch soon, with an unprecedented score of 3,025,991 points in the AnTuTu benchmark test. It will be one of the first smartphones equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, which Qualcomm will unveil at its annual Snapdragon Summit on October 21.
The leaked image also shows the iPhone 16 Professional Max next to the Realme GT 7 Professional, with a much lower score: 1,651,728. Apple's flagship phone launched last month with the six-core A18 Professional, its most powerful smartphone chip to date. However, it's worth noting the benchmark tool's use of the Vulkan and Steel APIs on Android and iOS, respectively, when making cross-platform comparisons.
Realme's upcoming flagship phone is not the first phone to cross the 3 million mark on AnTuTu. Last month, the Vivo X200 with MediaTek's 3nm Dimensity 9400 chipset scored 3,007,853 points in the benchmarking tool. According to these tests, Qualcomm's chip is slightly ahead of its competitor.
The recently launched Oppo Discover X8 was previously evaluated on AnTuTu with a score of 2,880,558 points, which was the highest score on the platform at the time. This phone is also powered by the Dimensity 9400 chipset, which is expected to power other flagship smartphones in the coming year.
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