Gulen, the powerful cleric accused of orchestrating the failed 2016 Turkish coup, dies

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US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who built a powerful Islamic movement in Turkey and beyond but spent his final years mired in accusations of orchestrating a coup attempt against Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan, has died. He was 83 years old. Gulen was a former ally of Erdogan, but they fell out spectacularly, with Erdogan holding him responsible for the 2016 coup attempt in which rebel soldiers seized fighter jets, tanks and helicopters. Some 250 people died in the attempt to seize power.


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Antonio RosiqueNFK" srcset="Nr1 2x" class="avatar avatar-96 photo" height="96" width="96" decoding="async"/>

Antonio Rosique is a renowned sports editor of the Spanish newspaper. With an extensive career in sports journalism, he has covered internationally renowned sporting events. His experience and in-depth knowledge of different sports disciplines have allowed him to provide in-depth analysis and relevant news to readers. His work is distinguished by its rigor and commitment to journalistic excellence.

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